Gilmore Offers two Programs:
3 Year Olds (by Dec 31st of the year they enroll)
Attend classes two times per week:
Monday/Wednesday 9:30 – 11:30 am or Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 – 11:30 am
Fees are currently $150.00/month
4 Year Olds
Attend classes three times per week:
Monday/Wednesday 1:00 – 3:00 pm & Friday 9:30-11:30 am
Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Fees are currently $200.00/month.
Gilmore is a Play-based Preschool
Gilmore Preschool provides children with the opportunity to grow and learn within a play-based preschool program. A play-based program is founded on the principle that play is the medium for basic learning in a child’s early years. Our aim is to create an environment that will allow your child to develop, through play, as fully as possible in four key areas: emotional, social, intellectual, and physical.
Our program is developed to promote a feeling of self-esteem and a sense of self-worth by:
recognizing the individuality of each child
encouraging independence
Offering a variety of materials to be experimented with and to be used creatively.
Through our program, children realize how to behave in social settings. They are encouraged to:
respect other people’s ideas and creations
verbalize rather than hit out when frustrated or angry
Take turns and share.
Children are presented with opportunities to explore, discover and experiment, and to learn about the people and places in our community.
The classroom is equipped with several play stations so children are able to use and develop large and small muscles. Stations include: creative art, play dough, sand, water, blocks, dramatic play, puzzles, and table toys.
Our Time at Preschool is Spent
Centre Time – Approximately one hour where your child may choose any play area and will be encouraged to participate in the daily art activity offered.
Tidy-up Time – We all help put everything back in its place.
Book Time – Children can choose a book from our current library selections.
Snack & Hand Washing Time – Our shared snack provides the opportunity to sample new foods and is also a good time to socialize.
Circle Time – Here we sing songs, play games, perform finger plays and tell stories. There is an opportunity for a “talk time”, where opinions and feelings can be shared. Verbal, listening and social skills can be practiced in a group setting.
Playground/Activity Time – As a class, we take short walks in the neighbourhood. This gives the children an opportunity to socialize in another environment and participate in large muscle activity. Inside, we may play games, dance, or engage in a musical activity!
Our Address:
Gilmore Preschool Society
50 Gilmore Ave
Burnaby, BC V5C 4P5